Syclone Seeprator
X baloog dheecaanka dheecaanka
Waxay ka shaqeyn kartaa nadiifiyeyaal vacuum oo kala duwan oo shaandhaynaya in ka badan 95% boodhka.Make fewer dust to enter in vacuum cleaner, lengthen the vacuums working time, to protect the filters in vacuum and extend the life time.These innovative devices not only boost cleaning performance but also extend the lifespan of your vacuum's filters. Dheh nabad gelyo badalida dheecaanka isdaba joog ah oo waxaad salaaman tihiin jawiga nadiifka ah, ee caafimaadka leh.
T0 preatorator ka preator oo caag ah oo caag ah
When large amount of dust produced during the grinding,?it is advisable to use a pre-separator.The special cyclone system captures 90% of the material?before vacuuming, greatly improve the filter efficiency?and protect your dust extractor from clogging easily. This cyclone separator has 60L volume and equipped with the continous drop down folding bag system?for effective dust collecting and safe & easy disposal of concrete dust .T0 can be used in conjunction with all common industrial?vacuums and dust extractors.It has the height Nooca hagaajinta oo ah ikhtiyaar loogu talagalay xaga qaldan tranporton tranporton by van. T0 waxay bixisaa 3 cabbir oo kala duwan? 50mm, 63mm iyo 76mm oo ay ku xiraan tuubada faaruqa ah ee kala duwan.